

Amendment to the Energy Efficiency Act

2. 1. 2021
On January 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 419/2020 Coll., amending act no. 321/2014 Coll. on energy efficiency...

Notice no. 370/2020 Coll.

15. 12. 2020
On December 15, 2020 entry into force notice no. 370/2020 Coll. on the correction of an error in the decree no. 368/2020 Coll., supplementing the decree of the...

Amendment to the Waste Decree

6. 12. 2020
On December 5, 2020 entry into force decree no. 348/2020 Coll., amending and supplementing decree no. 371/2015 Coll. implementing the waste act…

Exposure to electromagnetic fields

23. 11. 2020
On November 24, 2020 entry into force Government Regulation no. 334/2020 Coll., amending Government Regulation no. 209/2016 Coll. on the minimum health and safety...

Exposure to biological factors

23. 11. 2020
On November 24, 2020 entry into force Government Regulation no. 333/2020 Coll., amending Government Regulation no. 83/2013 Coll. on the protection of the health of...

Amendment to the Public Health Act

16. 11. 2020
On November 14, 2020 entry into force act no. 319/2020 Coll., amending act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, promotion and development of public health...

Registration obligation

13. 11. 2020
On November 15, 2020 entry into force decree no. 317/2020 Coll., amending decree no. 366/2015 Coll. on the registration and reporting obligation…

Emissions from fuels

13. 11. 2020
On November 15, 2020 entry into force decree no. 316/2020 Coll., amending decree no. 271/2011 Coll. setting sustainability criteria and targets for the reduction of...

Amendment to the Public Health Act

18. 10. 2020
On October 15, 2020 entry into force act no. 286/2020 Coll., amending act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, promotion and development of public health...

Amendment to the Waste Act

17. 10. 2020
On October 14, 2020 entry into force act no. 285/2020 Coll., amending act no.  79/2015 Coll. obout waste act...

Producers responsibility

30. 9. 2020
On October 1, 2020 entry into force decree no. 266/2020 Coll., amending and supplementing decree no. 373/2015 Coll. on the extended liability of producers of...

Amendment to the Public Health Act

9. 9. 2020
On September 9, 2020 entry into force act no. 242/2020 Coll., amending act no. 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communications and act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the...

Exposure to chemical factor

3. 9. 2020
On October 1, 2020 entry into force regulation no. 236/2020 Coll., amending and supplementing regulation no. 355/2006 Coll. on the protection of workers from the...

Exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic factors

2. 9. 2020
On August 1, 2020 entry into force regulation no. 235/2020 Coll., amending and supplementing regulation no. 356/2006 Coll. on the protection of workers' health from...

Amendment to the IPPC Act

6. 8. 2020
On August 5, 2020 entry into force act no. 218/2020 Coll., supplementing Act no. 39/2013 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and control in connection with the...

Improving the business environment

31. 7. 2020
On July 21, 2020, entry into force act no. 198/2020 Coll., amending and suplementing certain laws in connection with the improvement of the business environment...

Provision of health care

21. 5. 2020
On May 21, 2020 entry into force act no. 125/2020 Coll., amending and suplementing act no. 578/2004 Coll. on health care providers, health care workers,...

Act on the Protection, Promotion and Development of Public Health

19. 5. 2020
On May 15, 2020 entry into force act no. 119/2020 Coll., amending Act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, support and development of public health and Act no....

Requirements for electrical equipments

23. 4. 2020
On May 1, 2020 entry into force decree no. 88/2020 Coll., supplementing decree no. 465/2013 Coll. on technical requirements for electrical and electronic equipments...


23. 4. 2020
On May 1, 2020 entry into force decree no. 87/2020 Coll., amending decree no. 228/2014 Coll. laying down requirements for the quality of fuels and keeping...

COVID-19 and Ministry of Environment

9. 4. 2020
On April 9, 2020 entry into force act no. 74/2020 Coll. amending and supplementing certain laws within the competence of the Ministry of the Environment...

COVID-19 and Ministry of the Interior

9. 4. 2020
On April 9, 2020 entry into force act no. 73/2020 Coll. amending and supplementing certain laws within the competence of the Ministry of the Interior...

COVID-19 health measures

7. 4. 2020
On April 6, 2020 entry into force act no. 69/2020 Coll. on emergency measures in relation to the spread of COVID-19 in the field of health....

Amendment to the Act on Safety and Health at Work

6. 4. 2020
On April 4, 2020 entry into force act no. 66/2020 Coll., amending act no. 124/2006 Coll. on health and safety at work...

Energy efficiency of buildings

4. 3. 2020
On March 10, 2020 entry into force decree no. 35/2020 Coll. amending decree no. 364/2012 Coll. implementing act no. 555/2005 Coll. on the energy efficiency of...

Waste charges

2. 3. 2020
On March 1, 2020 entry into force regulation no. 33/2020 Coll. amending regulation no. 330/2018 Coll. which determines the level of fees for the storage of waste .....

Air quality

1. 3. 2020
On March 1, 2020 entry into force decree no. 32/2020 Coll., amending decree no. 244/2016 Z.z. on air quality...

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