
Occupational health and safety

Safety technical service 

We offer professional consultancy in Occupational Health and Safety. Consultancy performed only by safety engineers creates added value to our services. The scope of services and activities is individual and based on customer´s requirements, however it includes mainly following activities:

  • Service of Authorised Safety Technician according to Act No. 124/2006 Coll.
  • Elaboration of OHS documentation according to valid legislation and based on customer´s operational conditions
  • Consultancy in measures from risk assessment for particular groups of employees (pregnant women, mothers until 9th month after giving birth, breastfeeding women, juveniles and employees with changed labour ability)
  • Cooperation in the appointments of an Employees' Safety Representative
  • OHS training and education of employees, managing employees, employees' safety representatives – regular trainings and trainings of new employees
  • Special trainings – working at heights without use of special climbing and speleological equipment, drivers operating motor vehicles at work, instructed person for operation of electrical devices according to §20 of regulation No. 508/2009 Coll.
  • Consultancy and measures in subcontracting relations – cooperation in joint workplaces, cooperation and guidance of customer at contractual relationship of lessor and tenant within OHS
  • Investigation, recording and registering of occupational accidents, labour illnesses and accidents, representation of customer at accident investigation 
  • Control activities – audits and safety checks of workplaces and work environment
  • Representation towards labour inspection

OHS Audits

The role of the audit is to identify a status of OHS of a company in operation. OHS audit consists of inspecting the company premises and documentation. The output of OHS audit is a list of audit findings, recommendations and proposals of documents that are necessary to be drawn up as well as warnings about potential problems that can be expected from government bodies. Long-term experience of our auditors from various industries and systematic auditing ensures impartial conduct of the audit and a comprehensive view on operational processes.

Explosion Protection (ATEX)

Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres is in Slovak legislation implemented by the Government Regulation No. 393/2006 Coll. Using the principles applied in process safety, we offer advice on the prevention and explosion protection, in particular:

  • Audit of areas with potentially explosive atmospheres
  • Risk assessment of the explosive atmospheres and of explosion
  • Classification and labeling areas with hazardous explosive atmospheres
  • Report on the determination of external factors
  • Explosion protection document in the extent:
    • Written document on explosion protection
    • Operational Regulation for working in hazardous areas with potentially explosive atmospheres
  • Training of employees working in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres
  • Coordination at the activities and in workplaces with potentially explosive atmospheres

OHS coordination at construction site

SCPC provides the OHS coordination at construction site based on the requirements specified in Government Regulation No. 396/2006 Coll. and Decree No. 147/2013 Coll. OHS coordination is provided by a certified Safety Technician in the extent:

  • The application of the general principles of prevention and requirements to ensure the safety and health at work with technical or organizational solutions, under which the work activities (that are carried out simultaneously or following each other) are planed
  • Supervision of compliance with the relevant requirements of the general principles to ensure safety and health at work at a building site
  • Supervision of compliance with the plan on health and safety at work
  • Drawing up and updating the Plan on health and safety at work (The construction site OHS plan)
  • Supervision of cooperation between employers at the construction site, especially if they work on a joint workplace and if their activities at the workplace are interlinked; guiding the work with regard to the protection of employees and the prevention of injuries and other health threats, including mutual information
  • Measures to control the correct application of work procedures
  • Trainings of employees working at a construction site

Risk Analysis

SCPC provides services in the areas of risk analysis focusing on assessment of work activities and machinery, as well as services in the area of evaluation of irremovable hazards and threats:

  • Identification of risks and threats
  • Assessment of risk acceptability
  • Proposal and implementation of measures to minimize the risk

The risk analysis uses technical standards and generally accepted methodologies (e.g. HAZOP, What-If, FMEA, Index methodology, point methodology, etc.).


Integrated Management of Risks in Organisation – Effective and Efficient HSE Risk Management


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