

Amendment to act 355/2007 Coll.

10. 1. 2022
On December 29, 2021 entry into force act no. 533/2021 Coll., amending act no. 452/2021 Coll. on electronic communications and amending act no. 355/2007 Coll. on...

Amendment to the Act on Medicinal Products

10. 1. 2022
On January 1, 2022 entry into force act no. 532/2021 Coll., amending act no. 362/2011 Coll. about medicines and medical devices...

Deposit on packaging

10. 1. 2022
On December 28, 2021 entry into force act no. 518/2021 Coll., amending act no. 302/2019 Coll. on deposit on disposable beverage packaging...

Amendment to the Environmental Burden Act

20. 12. 2021
On June 1, 2022 entry into force act no. 490/2021 Coll., supplementing act no. 409/2011 Coll. on certain measures in the field of environmental burden and on the...

Amendment to the Narcotics Act

20. 12. 2021
On December 16, 2021 entry into force act no. 479/2021 Coll., amending act no. 139/1998 Coll. on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and preparations...

Amendment to the Waste Act

26. 11. 2021
On December 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 430/2021 Coll., amending act no. 79/2015 Coll. about waste ...

The third wave of COVID-19

16. 11. 2021
On November 15, 2021 entry into force act no. 412/2021 Coll., amending certain laws in connection with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Organization of working time in transport

15. 11. 2021
On February 2, 2022 entry into force act no. 407/2021 Coll. amending act no. 462/2007 Coll. on the organization of working time in transport ....

Personal protective equipment

10. 11. 2021
On November 20, 2021 entry into force regulation no. 400/2021 Coll., amending the regulation no. 395/2006 Coll. on the minimum requirements for the provision and...

Decree on technical requirements for electrical equipment

29. 10. 2021
On November 1, 2021 entry into force decree no. 391/2021 Coll., supplementing the decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic no. 465/2013 Coll...

Amendment to the Environmental Act

28. 10. 2021
On January 1, 2022 entry into force act no. 388/2021 Coll., amending act no. 17/1992 Coll. about the environment...

Amendment to the Waste Act

21. 10. 2021
On November 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 372/2021 Coll., amending act no. 79/2015 Coll. about waste...

Amendment to Act 355/2007

2. 6. 2021
On June 15, 2021 entry into force act no. 220/2021 Coll., amending act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, promotion and development of public health...

Amendment to the Waste Act

2. 6. 2021
On January 1, 2023 entry into force act no. 216/2021 Coll., amending act no. 79/2015 Coll. about waste ...

Decree on the Nature and Landscape Protection Act

6. 5. 2021
On June 1, 2021 entry into force decree no. 170/2021 Coll., implementing act no. 543/2002 Coll. on nature and landscape protection...

Amendment to the Road Traffic Act

23. 4. 2021
On May 15, 2021 entry into force act no. 148/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 8/2009 Coll. about road traffic....

Amendment to the Road Traffic Act

23. 4. 2021
On May 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 146/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 8/2009 Coll. about road traffic ...

Amendment to the Building Act

23. 4. 2021
On May 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 145/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing the building act no. 50/1976 Coll.

Amendment to the Narcotics Act

9. 4. 2021
On May 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 124/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 139/1998 Coll. on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and...

Decree on the Air Act

15. 3. 2021
On March 15, 2021 entry into force decree no. 98/2021 Coll., amending decree no. 410/2012 Coll., which implements some provisions of the air act...

Amendment to the Labor Code

24. 2. 2021
On March 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 76/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 311/2001 Coll. Labour Code…

Amendment to the Labor Inspection Act

22. 2. 2021
On April 1, 2021 entry into force act no. 73/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 125/2006 Coll. on labor inspection and on amendments to act no. 82/2005...

Waste Charges Act

16. 2. 2021
On March 15, 2021 entry into force act no. 67/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 329/2018 Coll. on fees for waste disposal and on the amendment of act...

Amendment to the IPPC Act

8. 2. 2021
On February 6, 2021 entry into force act no. 46/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 39/2013 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and control…

Amendment to the Landfill Decree

27. 1. 2021
On January 26, 2021 entry into force decree no. 26/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing decree no. 382/2018 Coll. on landfilling of waste and storage of waste...

Change of extended producers responsibility

27. 1. 2021
On January 26, 2021 entry into force decree no. 25/2021 Coll., amending and supplementing decree no. 373/2015 Coll. on the extended liability of producers of...

Change of laws in connection with the second wave of the pandemic

19. 1. 2021
On January 19, 2021 entry into force act no. 9/2021 Coll., amending certain laws in connection with the second wave of the pandemic...

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