8. 12. 2016
On April 30, 2017 entry into force decree no. 329/2016 Coll., amending decree no. 465/2013 Coll. about technical requirements for electrical and electronic...
7. 12. 2016
On January 1, 2017 entry into force decree no. 234/2016 Coll., amending and supplementing decree no. 364/2012 Coll., about requirements for act about energy...
25. 11. 2016
On July 22, 2019 entry into force act no. 314/2016 Coll. about the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical equipment and about...
25. 11. 2016
On January 1, 2017 entry into force act no. 313/2016 Coll., amending and supplementing act no. 79/2015 Coll. about waste…
25. 11. 2016
On January 1, 2017 entry into force act no. 312/2016 Coll., amending the EIA act...
23. 11. 2016
On January 1, 2017 entry into force decree no. 308/2016 Coll. about procedure for calculating the primary energy factor of district heating...
23. 11. 2016
On December 31, 2016 entry into force act no. 305/2016 Coll. about working time in transportation…
20. 11. 2016
On December 1, 2016 entry into force act no. 303/2016 Coll. amending and supplementing act no. 364/2004 Coll. about water…
26. 10. 2016
On November 1, 2016 entry into force Decree no. 283/2016 Z.z. about the details of working factors and working environment related to the categorization of work in...
23. 9. 2016
On October 1, 2016 entry into force Decree of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak republic no. 252/2016 Coll. amending and supplementing Decree no. 410/2012 Coll....
29. 8. 2016
31. decembra 2016 nadobúda účinnosť Vyhláška MŽP SR č. 244/2016 Z.z. o kvalite ovzdušia
13. 7. 2016
15. júla 2016 nadobúda účinnosť vyhláška MŽP SR č. 212/2016 Z.z. o vykonaní niektorých ustanovení vodného zákona
1. 7. 2016
1. júla 2016 nadobúda účinnosť NV SR č. 209/2016 Z.z. o minimálnych zdravotných a bezpečnostných požiadavkách na ochranu zamestnancov pred rizikami súvisiacimi s...
27. 6. 2016
Decree no. 195/2016 Coll. on the stationary source of air pollution shall enter in to force on 15 June 2016
25. 6. 2016
Decree no. 192/2016 Coll. on the energy demands of public buildings shall enter in to force on 15 June 2016
18. 4. 2016
Government Regulation on equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres shall enter into force on 20 April 2016
7. 3. 2016
Act no. 91/2016 Coll. on the criminal liability of legal persons shall enter into force on 1 July 2016
3. 3. 2016
Decree no. 99/2016 Coll. shall enter into force on 1 March 2016
3. 3. 2016
Decree no. 98/2016 Coll. shall enter into force on 1. March 2016
17. 2. 2016
New Decree no. 11/2016 Coll. to the act on IPPC shall enter into force on 1 January 2016