

IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in Slovakia

IPPC is a specialized building permit, including the permit for building use and a license to conduct industrial activities. Criteria determining the obligations according to IPPC are determined by the Act. No. 39/2013 Coll. on integrated pollution prevention and pollution control and amending certain laws, as amended, and its Implementing Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 183/2013 Coll., as amended. Integrated license contains mainly conditions and obligations of the operator during the building construction and its use, as well as in carrying out industrial activities.

If industrial activity falls within the limits set out in Annex 1 of the Act No. 39/2013 Coll., an operator shall ensure the development of the IPPC application.

Only an authorized person can provide an expert IPCC advice regarding the application for an integrated permit to the operator.

SCPC is authorized body for advice in the IPPC process. The authorization is issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

Our services in the field of IPPC:

  • Initial report
  • Comprehensive IPPC expertise
  • Development of IPPC application, including attachments
  • Developing and providing expert surveys
  • Consultation on the IPPC and negotiation the IPPC application with competent authority, until the successful issue of the integrated permit


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